SYMBOL | NAME | 時価総額 (億ペソ) | 浮動株比率 | 最後に値段がついた日 |
FYN | Filsyn Corporation | 0 | 32.27% | Aug 05 2002 |
PTT | Philippine Telegraph and Telephone Corporation | 5 | 15.99% | Dec 09 2004 |
STN | Steniel Manufacturing Corporation | 3 | 12.21% | Jul 05 2006 |
MGH | Metro Global Holdings Corporation | 20 | 11.92% | Feb 27 2007 |
PHC | Philcomsat Holdings Corporation | 14 | 10.00% | May 02 2007 |
PNC | Philippine National Construction Corporation | 9 | 13.12% | Apr 09 2008 |
PCP | PICOP Resources, Inc. | 9 | 49.84% | Jun 04 2008 |
NXGEN | NextGenesis Corporation | 7 | 32.53% | Nov 04 2010 |
PORT | Globalport 900, Inc. | 157 | 10.82% | May 16 2014 |
AAA | Asia Amalgamated Holdings Corporation | 13 | 10.12% | May 15 2015 |
EG | IP E-Game Ventures, Inc. | 3 | 91.00% | May 02 2017 |
DNA | Philab Holdings Corp. | 59 | 14.40% | May 17 2018 |
UNI | Unioil Resources & Holdings Company, Inc. | 4 | 40.65% | May 17 2018 |
BLFI | BDO Leasing and Finance, Inc. | 68 | 11.46% | Jan 24 2020 |
X | Xurpas Inc. | 10 | 40.05% | Sep 18 2020 |
AR | Abra Mining and Industrial Corporation | 9 | 73.61% | Mar 03 2021 |
IS | Island Information & Technology, Inc. | 7 | 81.39% | Mar 17 2021 |
SGP | Synergy Grid & Development Phils., Inc. | 16425 | 0.25% | May 28 2021 |
DAVIN | Da Vinci Capital Holdings, Inc. | 33 | 15.00% | Jul 07 2021 |
PAL | PAL Holdings, Inc. | 702 | 10.33% | Jun 16 2021 |
CYBR | Cyber Bay Corporation | 22 | 38.82% | Jun 17 2021 |
PSE EDGEのHalts and Suspensionsで売買停止に関するお知らせ資料を見ることができます。haltとsupenstionの2種類がありますが、日本語で言うとhalt(中断)とsuspentsion(一時停止)?何か違いがあるのでしょうが、何でしょう。TBAはTo Be Announcedの略で後日発表的な意味です。
PSE EDGEで閲覧できる上場銘柄(優先株などを除外した普通株)は現在273銘柄ありますが、約20銘柄は上記のような長期間売買停止中で、実質売買できる普通株は250銘柄ほどということになります。